
Showing posts from May, 2024

Gardening 🌸πŸͺ΄πŸ‘©‍🌾

This afternoon, we were very lucky to have a special visitor come and do some gardening with us! The leopards dug out all the weed from the tyres and turned the soil ready for our planting. We planted potatoes, rhubarb and asparagus. We can’t wait to see the outcome!  Special thanks to Jenny Bradley for her wonderful enthusiasm and asking the children to help, the Leopards loved it! 

PE - Apparatus

On Wednesday, it was our final rotation afternoon. As our final session, we decided to get out the apparatus!  The children were so sensible using the climbing apparatus and supported eachother ensuring everyone was safe. 

Botanical Weaving 🌸🌷

In art, we have been exploring botanical weaving. We went up into the woods and created our own botanical weave. It was certainly a lot harder than we had anticipated but the Leopard’s stuck with it and gave it a good go!                  

Who was Boudicca? πŸ‘©‍🦰

This afternoon, the Leopards have been learning about Boudicca. Boudicca fought against the romans when they came to take her land.  We researched all about Boudicca and discussed why there was no pictures of her, only descriptions of what people have said she was believed to look like.  Using the information we had found, we made a canva PowerPoint all about Boudicca.