Stone Age Day 🦣 - school visitor!

It was a very exciting day in Leopards today! As part of our Topic ‘Through the Ages’ we had a special visitor come into our school and celebrate prehistoric inventiveness and our wild imaginations. Creeping Toad (also known as Gordon) is a storyteller, artist and zoologist who came into our classroom to help us wander along the lost paths of Stone Age Britain. During the day we listened to stories that Stone Age children might have heard around the campfire in a dark night. The children were able to handle Stone Age artefacts such as flint, bone, shells, pottery and antler tools. Once we had handled the artefacts and looked at their detail, we then had a go at drawing some of the materials. We then looked at different animals around during the Stone Age and had a go at sketching these too. And finally, to finish off our busy day, we used all of our knowledge to create our own ‘pop up’ story book.