
Story rollarcoaster! 🎢

This morning, Leopards continued to read our current English book Iron Man.  After identifying the structure of the events so far we were able to see how this story does not have a traditional story mountain structure. Instead, it is more like a story rollercoaster.  We drew the rollercoaster on a large piece of paper and the children took it in turns to label the key events that have occurred so far. 

Gladiators: micro:bit competition

The children have been taking part in a Gladiators micro:bit competition. On Tuesday we were able to join a live lesson with BBC and meet the Gladiators as they talked us through the exciting challenge we were taking part in.  This afternoon, with some help from our Year 5 and 6  the children have designed and started to produce a gadget that will help improve Gladiators performance.   The children’s designs will be sent to BBC and the children will get the chance to win some exciting Gladiators and tech prizes…including a special visit from Phantom! 

Conscience Alley 🗣️

During our English lesson, the children created a conscience alley, lining up facing each other. Matilda played the role of Hogarth (a character within our book) looking for advice about what to do with the Iron Man who has been devouring the towns metal objects.   The children produced some thoughtful and useful advice practicing the use of their modal verbs and conjunctions.  The children then went on the write Hogarth a letter advising him on what to do. 

Indus Valley - trading 🏜️

On Monday, year 3 and 4 took on the role of traders aiming to finish with the highest amount of goods.  The goal of the task was to be the team that earns the highest amount. Each team started with goods and coins. The teams could earn by: 1. Charging a toll to enter their ‘city’ to trade. 2. Selling items for coins 3. Trading items for other items By completing this task, the children were able to understand some of the notable achievements of the Indus Valley civilisation and discuss how they had a historical impact on the world we live in today. 


The Leopards class discover some unusual items hidden around their classroom!  Putting on their detective hats, the children made notes about what they found and using prepositions, explained where they found them.  The children then went on to write their own news bulletin to alert the town and the rest of the school about their findings. 

Mysterious new book 📖

This morning, the Leopards discovered some mysterious items in the playground.  We found some wires, cogs and a broken robotic arm.  Once we had gathered our items  we inspected the pieces and used ‘talk to the hand’ to formulate questions that we wanted to find out about the mysterious objects. 

Islamic Art - part 2 🎨

Continuing with our Islamic Art, this week Year 3/4 continued their exploring of geometric motifs.  Using instructions provided, the children had a go at using a compass, set square and a ruler to produce their five or seven circle motif.  Although using a compass was certainly a tricky challenge, a huge well done for showing such incredible resilience. The final pieces produced were beautiful 🤩