All is quiet...

Well Leopards, I was rather hoping for a musical end to the day, but alas, it was not to be! I haven't had any musical uploads...yet! I have had lots of news of other activities though...

Leah is learning to touch type. 

She doing a fab job and has earned this lovely certificate.
Great work Leah!

Carmel is loving the apps for TTRockstars, Numbots and Kids A-Z. 

TT Rockstars
Carmel, Estella, Alex and Annie have all been rockin' and Annie has improved her speed too, Keep up the super work.

Jonny, Estella and Annie are all speeding through the levels. Great work! 

Lots of great reading today from Leopards on Kids A-Z  
Carmel clocked up 270 points today.
A huge 510 more points for Natalie.
Estella gained 300 points today.
200 more points for Annie.

Ajax has been doing lots of other maths activities and lots of you are working your socks off on My Maths and completing tasks accurately. Well done. 

Keep up the good work, Leopards.
Mrs Williams


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