Thursday's scores on the doors

Hi Leopards,

A quick update on the online learning platforms.

RAZ Kids 

200 more stars today for Carmel and Annie. Well done.
Estella worked so hard, she got a whopping 1250 stars! WOW! 


Lovely to see Carmel logging in for the first time. A great start.
Annie is flying up the levels - Amazing work!


Tommy,  Alex and Annie all logged in again. 
Annie is getting faster by the day - very impressive.

Don't forget that you can download all these games as apps on your tablet. This makes it really easy to log on.

I've commented on all the work you have done so far. Well done - you have done lots of accurate work. 

Super work Leopards. 

It would be great to see more of you logging onto the online platforms each day.
How many points/ levels/ stars can you score?

Mrs Williams


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