Tuesday 28th April

Good morning Leopards,
reminder today about the wonderful online learning platforms which school has signed up to for you. Please use them!

Raz-Kids  is MORE than just reading
You can listen, record yourself reading and complete quizzes.
You earn stars that you can use to  customise your own avatar or Raz Rocket environment. 
Raz-Kids Reading will help YOU to level up to better reading.

MyMaths online lessons have been chosen to go with the Power Maths lesson of the day. Homework is set on there as well for extra practice.

Getting good at the basics
Playing Numbots for 5 minutes every day will greatly improve your recall of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts, so it would be great to see you on here today.

I've suggested that you start by playing 3 studio sessions. This is because you can see when you are getting faster, which is something to  celebrate on the blog.

Your log-ins are in your CL folder.
If you are having trouble logging in to any of these sites, let me know. 
You can email me any time. 

Have a terrific Tuesday. I look forward to hearing from you later.

Mrs Williams


  1. Hello Mrs Williams, I am making cheesy potato skins for tea and going on a walk in the rain today.

    1. Hi Natalie,
      Lovely to hear that you are busy in the kitchen again. Your cheesy potato skins sound yummy! Let me know how they turn out.
      It's raining here too. All that sunshine is lovely, but I think the garden will enjoy the rain. Have a lovely walk and enjoy the rest of your day.


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