Wicked Wednesday Work

Hi Leopards,
Lovely to hear what you have been up to.

Crafty Carmel has been busy doing some pottery.
She has made  a bowl for hair bubbles, and a pot for her Mum's makeup brushes as well as a paw print for the dog, a doughnut, watermelon, happy face with goatee, and a rock.. She is very proud of her painting skills and her Mum is proud of her pot making...  
Well done Carmel!

Natalie sent me this comparing  people poster, which she completed before the Easter break. Working together, Archie has helped her to get to grips with using word and importing pictures. 

I'm very impressed Natalie - knowing when to ask for help helps you to get better at learning.

Ajax has been doing some maths with Dad.

RAZ-Kids update 
Well done to: 
Estella, who has earned a massive 1860 stars altogether.

Annie, who earned another 200 stars today. 

Leah,  who earned 160 stars today.

Keep going Leopards,
Mrs Williams


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