Tuesday 12th May

Hi Leopards,
I was delighted that so many of you logged onto RAZ Kids  yesterday. Don't forget that you need to spend 20 minutes reading books and doing quizzes to improve your reading.

TTRockstars - Each GARAGE game only lasts 60 seconds, so in your 10 minute session, you can complete the 3 GARAGE games and then try out some of the other areas. 
You might like to try ARENA, which is a bit like GARAGE with the tables set for you. 
For more of a challenge, try  STUDIO or FESTIVAL with all tables to 12 x 12  or try SOUNDCHECK  with 25 questions and 6 seconds per question. 
In ROCK SLAM, with all tables to 12 x 12, you can play a friend. 

Who will you challenge to a game today?

Which game do you prefer? Let me know.

NUMBOTS - How many levels can you go up in your 10 minute session today? 

Have a great day,
Mrs Williams


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